Subject: Giant problems... |
With the proper raid encounters getting even closer to being released, it was time to have a little practise for the usual raid routine and what better target than the current raid
placeholder bosses. After hearing about all the problems those nasty giants had been causing at Thestra we decided to go and take a look what all the fuss was about...
So what happened?
The first Thestran giant we came across was Tharridon the Mighty, he is known to be quite a meanie that terrorizes the region around Renton Keep...
Unfortunately it turned out Tharridon had a little problem, during one of his latest rampages he managed to stomp one of the fields with such a force that his foot actually
got stuck in the ground and he was unable to move! Instead of giving us a fair battle, he kept shouting "Eek, don't come any closer!" and kept reseting the encounter... So
we had to leave him alone for now.
Being a little disapointed how the evening started we set out to search for more giants... But it didn't take too much of searching before finding our next target, we headed
towards the coastal region of Thestra when we suddenly started hearing loud roars "Lobsterrrsss!" and soon we discovered the source of them...
A gigantic tattooed guy wearing only his underpants was roaming the coast! The horrible sight alone was enough to cause terror & fear... So we had to kill him.
The fight itself took quite a while but eventually Jagund the Wavebreaker fell and actually gave us something to loot:
Next on the list we had Torkald Who Mourns, the battle with Torkald started out nicely and his hitpoints were dropping at a decent rate until we found out that the
giant doesn't play fair and likes to spam mini & full heals. After fighting Torkald for about an hour, it became obvious that he was not going to die tonight and we
would simply need more people than what we had there. I guess that is why he mourns, because no-one wants to fight such a cheater as him... Bad giant!
At this point the situation for the evening was not looking good Xanadu 1 - Giants 2... Then someone from the raid pointed out, hey there is one more giant
at one of the ruined dwarf strongholds. After a while of exploring the ruins we finally came up to the hall where Akaran Dwarfsbane roamed around - now
it was time to even the score.
The battle with Akaran was quite a lenghty one and he even had a simple trick that made the encounter last much longer. Eventually the giant fell and everyone
was curious if he had any loot... Well he did drop a trash loot item that sold for a few silver, so I guess thats something.
So in the end, Xanadu 2 - Giants 2. Perhaps the score will change once Tharridon will get his foot removed from the field and possibly when we encounter
Torkald with a larger force. But thats all the giant problems for now and it is time for the quotes again.
Galenia, Gelania, Genelia... Aargh! It seems to be hard to spell Gelenia correctly, even for their own exployees... Time to pick up an easier server name
when the merges happen eh?
Uh oh...
Wonder what happens when missing a rez because of afk... Frying pan perhaps?
Use caution... Right, anyone selling parachutes? GM advices rock at times...
4926 |
Ayame |
2007-06-19 08:47 |
1529 |
Ejic |
2007-06-19 09:43 |
de|mboard system |
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