Subject: Recruitment |
Xanadu in AD2460
We are an alliance that aims for long term success and stability. We value quality over quanity, which probably means we cant aim to beeing the top alliance in the rankings, but we certainly want to provide the environment to have the top players among us!
The universe should know that Xanadu targets are the toughest ones to deal with!
in order to achieve that, we have following expectations from our members:
- acvitiy: you should be able to log in to the game regularly throughout a typical day to check your Outposts and stuff. We also expect you to take part in our organised attacks, in whatever way possible for you (actively or passively through ally fleets, or taking OPs, launching destraction fleets or whatever). We wont monitor the activity as such and its ofc np to not have time to login a few days. For longer periods of inactvity, you should however let us know in advance and use the ingame vacation mode if available/needed!
- We also expect our members to take part in guild matter discussions on our website and/or through whatever chat method we decide to use.
- We might be making use of notifications to your mobile phones, so that important stuff can be braught to you and you can react asap.
- we do not take part in global chat spams, forum trolling or any other harrassment! Respect the other players and be friendly!
- We highly value the social aspect of games, both inside and outside our own alliance!
- We do reserve the right to remove you from the roster, if any of the above is not met!
Becoming full member:
your trial starts when you join Xanadu ingame and lasts about 2 weeks in which we want to get to know you, and you should get to know us!
after those 2 weeks, there will be a vote among all full members in which you will need 75% yes votes, in order to be accepted for membership.
the trial period might be extended depending on the individual circumstances (inactvity or whatever else might come up...)
Information we need from you
ingame name:
(preferred) tech tilt:
gaming history:
RL location:
can someone in Xanadu vouch for you:
usual (active) online times:
why do you want to join Xanadu?
What do you or how do you know of Xanadu?
anything else you want us to know about you:
you can either create a thread on this board here with the according info or write a mail to Sondrax or Sastul through our mail system here.
[ Last modified by Sondrax 2014-12-30 15:09 (Full Log)]

Sondrax - Proud to be Xanadu! |
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