Subject: Signing up for a new account |
EDIT: Before signing up with a new email address, please check again, if you have recieved an activation email now. Our mailserver did have some problems last few days, which resulted in emails not being sent out. This is now fixed and everything runs smooth again...
Over the last few days we have had some problems with people signing up for a new account and using hotmail. It seams that the mails are being sent from our end but aren't being recieved by hotmail. We are unsure as to what is causing this but for the time being could you please use an alternative email address (preferably a one supplied by your ISP) when signing up to the site.
All emails are stored securely on the site and are not viewable by members. The only emails you will recieve from the site will be relating to access changes and any community news (which is sent out about once a quater currently).
For all those using hotmail as their current email address could you please check to see if you have recieved any mails from xanadu recently. If you are not sure then please contact an admin (any halfop or higher in #xanadu channel or any op in #help) for further assistance.
[ Modified by DarkEvil 2005-01-30 13:35 ] [ Modified by DarkEvil 2005-01-30 13:36 ]
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